Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Delay, a window into the future.

So i haven't been posting recently b/c i have been working... and i have been trying like a crazy person to get into the Little Big Planet Beta. Ridiculously hard to do apparently. 

The game releases on Oct 21st, the Beta started last week, and i still don't have a code. I am not one of these people that i have seen posting in certain forums that are up at all hours of the day and night mashing the refresh button hoping that they get in. That isn't my style, i have the game paid for and i am just waiting to pick it up. It is amazing that people are so nuts about getting into this they are losing sleep. 

I just watched the special episode of X-Play where they go thru a lot of the aspects of the game and it only made me more sure of it being a hit. Like i said before, this game is going to get a lot of attention from me in the near future. Which is going to be hard considering Fallout 3 is coming like the next week after LBP. I guess i will have to play one in the morning and one at night. Wish me luck.

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