I wasn't ready to play this the first time i sat down with it. I played thru the tutorial but then got bored. I picked it back up however when i had a little better attention span and really like it now. It takes some time to get used to the fact that you aren't a "Super Soldier" that can take down the Axis Powers on your own. You are a commanding officer and that is what you do... Command. Tell certain fire teams to set up at point A and fire on point B. There is a lot more strategy than i thought would go into this game, and this is fine by me and it works quite well.
Scout out the landscape, figure out ahead of time how you want to approach a skirmish, then execute. Once you get used to the fact that you can't rush in, and you have to approach each fight with a certain amount of strategy most players will do just fine.
However the down side is quite steep. The multiplayer aspect of the game is pretty much your standard FPS game. The difference being that you have a (human player) commander and they give you orders on where to go and set up and do what with whatever. The problem is that you don't HAVE to do this. So as you might expect if you get a team that is a bunch of randoms, they aren't probably going to listen to you and will just go off on their own and die. The up side is that if you have a team that works together like a well oiled machine you can dominate.
The story really relies on the fact that you have played the two previous games (which i had not) so if you don't have any emotional attachment to anyone i can see where the story would fall kinda flat. The game itself looks a little on the dated side as well. You can tell that this game was ment to have come out about 2 years ago. Unfortunately they were using an older version of the Unreal Engine i believe and the time shows. I guess that is what happens when delays plague your release. The sound quality is done well, nothing feels out of place, and they don't go down the path of over using words that describe "Germans" like "Krauts" or "Jerry" so frequently that you can't stand to hear it anymore.
All in all the game is put together well and the entire package is worth checking out. It's just too bad that it was forced to sit and wait for almost 3 years before it could be released.
*the pic above was taken from Joystiq, only b/c of my love of the site and the picture itself*
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